What We Believe


Our mission is to focus on the love and peace offered to people through Jesus Christ.

We are committed to inspiring our community in faith, fellowship and service.

We confess our faith in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We confess that Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man.

We hold that The Bible is the written Word of God and is the infallible rule of faith and practice for our Church.  We affirm the central content of the Scriptures is the gospel of reconciliation and redemption through the atoning sacrifice of Christ and his glorious resurrection from the grave.

We confess that the mission of the church is to bear witness to God’s truth and gospel in our words and deeds.

We confess the historical Christian faith as articulated in the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.

Statement of Faith

The First Congregational Church accepts the Old and New Testaments as its authority in matters of faith and practice, as expressed in the Apostles Creed.


The covenant by which The First Congregational Church exists as a distinct body and which every member accepts is as follows:  We are banded together as a Christian Congregational Church to maintain the worship of God, to proclaim the gospel of Christ, to develop in all people a consciousness of their relations and duties to God and to humanity, and to inspire them with love for truth, passion for righteousness, and enthusiasm for service.  To this end we pledge our loyalty to Christ and covenant with each other to strive to express His spirit in our individual and corporate life; to live together as Christian kindred and to submit ourselves to the government of The First Congregational Church, working, giving, praying for its increase, its purity, its peace and seeking in every way to make it a power for the building up of the Kingdom of God.

Road to Emmaus - Painted and donated by a church member

Do you see Jesus between his 2 followers?