
We all have opportunities to support our church by giving of our time, talent and treasures.


“Whoever has a heart full of love, always has something to give.”  – Pope John XXIII
  • Help maintain the Memorial Garden.
  • Be an usher.
  • Be a greeter.
  • Serve coffee, cookies, juice following worship.
  • Maintain bulletin boards.
  • Assist in organizing events.
  • Help with yard clean-up in spring and fall.
  • Be a “prayer warrior”.
  • Be a “friendly caller” who regularly calls members and friends.
  • Participate in the ministry to shut-ins.
  • Assist staff.
  • Help with annual “Hay Art” entry.
  • Participate in a Bible Study group.


1 Peter 4:10 “God has given gifts to each of you from His great variety of spiritual gifts.  Manage them well so that God’s generosity can flow through you.” 
  • Organize special events; game night, soup supper, trivia e.g.
  • Join the music ministry.
  • Teach Sunday School.
  • Serve on a board.
  • Keep Memorial Garden records.
  • Operate camera for recorded services.


1 Chronicles 29:14 “Everything we have has come from You, and we give You only what You have already given us!” 
  • Members are entrusted with the responsibility to vote on important issues including the financial health and stability of the church.  
  • An annual pledge request is mailed approximately six weeks before the annual meeting.  This information enables the trustees to develop and present a budget proposal at the meeting, where it will be discussed and voted upon by members.  
  • Monetary gifts may be given for a designated use as directed by the donor.  
  • Discretionary gifts are allocated by the trustees based on the budget.

Painted and donated by a church member