When visiting us for the first time, the following information responds to frequently asked questions.
Open parking is directly behind the building. Also, several handicapped spaces are clearly marked.
The main church entrance is on the south side of the building under the portico. Visitors are warmly greeted and welcomed. Questions are encouraged.
Our church is barrier-free and accommodates the use of most assistive devises including walkers, wheelchairs, crutches and canes. An elevator at the entrance gives access to the Sanctuary on the upper level and to Fellowship Hall on the lower level. Additionally, the sanctuary is looped for Telecoil assistive hearing devises.
Children are warmly welcomed and encouraged. Options for attending services as a family with young children:
- Attend the service together in the sanctuary.
- Use the Nursery upstairs overlooking the sanctuary.
- Use the JeLY (Jesus Loves You) Room across from the sanctuary which has children’s activities and adult supervision.
What should I wear? – Come as you are and wear whatever is most comfortable for you.
Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month. All believers are invited to participate.
Membership – Being a member of The First Congregational Church (FCC) is joining a partnership of your fellow members to do the work of the Church. You are joining a group of believers to fulfill the call of Christ to make disciples. A member agrees to:
- Actively support the program, mission, and spiritual direction of the Church.
- Share with one another in the fellowship and activities of the Church.
- Regularly support the parish and benevolent interests of the Church.
Membership is open to anyone who has been baptized and can give assent to the FCC Covenant and Statement of Faith. Inform the Pastor or a Deacon about your desire to become a member. They will help guide you through the process.

Children at Church

The Nursery overlooking the sanctuary

Children in the JeLY Room